1. Include jQuery and AnySlider
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.anyslider.js"></script>
2. Add some markup
<div class="slider">
The first slide.
Another slide.
And so on.
3. Initialize Anyslider
// Without any options
// With options
// Options here
4. Add the four lines of required CSS.
.slider {
overflow: auto;
position: relative;
-ms-touch-action: pan-y;
touch-action: pan-y;
- Continuous autoplay.
- Custom easings.
- Fade or slide transition.
- Highly customizable appearance and lots of options.
- Keyboard navigation.
- Possibility to have multiple sliders on the same page.
- Navigation bullets.
- No CSS or HTML-structure enforced, you're 100% in charge.
- Slide any content or using any element. HTML, images and YouTube clips. Or mix <div>s, <span>s, and <section>s. AnySlider doesn't care.
- Small, 1.5 kB minified and gzipped (3.5 kB minified).
- Supported in all major browsers.
- Touch support (Android, iOS, and Windows 8).
- Responsive
- A simple API.
- Support for AMD loaders.
- afterChange (Default function ()) function A function to call after each slide change.
- afterSetup (Default function ()) function A function to call after the slider has been setup.
- animation (Default slide") string Transition, one of the following:
- fade Fades between slides.
- slide A sliding aniamtion between slides.
- beforeChange (Default function ()) function A function to call before each slide change.
- easing (Default "swing") string Name of a custom easing. For example via the jQuery Easing plugin. Only used when "animation" is "slide".
- interval (Default 5000) integer Number of milliseconds to pause on each slide. Setting this option to 0 will disable autoplay.
- keyboard (Default true) boolean Allow for keyboard navigation using the left and right arrow keys.
- nextLabel (Default "Next slide") string Label for the next button.
- pauseOnHover (Default true) boolean Pause the autoplay on hover?
- prevLabel (Default "Previous slide") string Label for the previous button.
- reverse (Default false) boolean Whether to slide right-to-left instead of left-to-right when autoplay is enabled.
- showBullets (Default true) boolean Whether or not to display navigation bullets. Setting this to false will prevent the bullets from being drawn at all.
- showControls (Default true) boolean Show/hide controls. Setting this to false will prevent the controls from being drawn at all.
- speed (Default 400) int The animation time in milliseconds. Setting this option to 0 will disable animation.
- startSlide (Default 1) int Number of the starting slide. Starting from 1.
- touch (Default true) boolean Whether to enable the ability to swipe between slides.
- jQuery 1.7.0 (or later).
- Or Zepto 1.1.0 (or later) with the following modules:
- zepto
- data
- event
- fx
- fx_methods
- ie (Optional, if IE10+ support is wanted)
As of 2.0.0 AnySlider features a simple API to interact with the slider.
var slider = $('.slider').anyslider();
var anyslider = slider.data('anyslider');
anyslider.goTo(3); // Go to slide number 3
Complete list of API methods
- currentSlide() - Get the number of the current visible slide.
- goTo(slide) - Go to a specific slide.
- next() - Go to the next slide.
- pause() - Stop autoplay.
- play() - Start autoplay.
- prev() - Go to the previous slide.